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Twickenham Riverside Project, London Borough of Richmond upon Thames

Sarah Williams was selected as the RIBA client adviser to lead and manage the selection of architects and teams with the RIBA competitions office for the redevelopment of an important riverside site in Twickenham.


Twickenham and its riverside has an interesting and varied architectural heritage with a particularly attractive shopping street in the oldest part of the town. The wining proposal has the potential to transform the town and percetions of it, drawing visitors towards exploring the riverside area, and making a major economic success of the area.

Sarah has helped support the council members and officers in developing the brief, agreeing the process and  selecting the longlist and then shortlist of architectural teams 

The history of the embankment area dates back to the 1650’s when Richmond House was built. This was demolished in the 1920’s and part of the site was sold for the development of commercial buildings. In 1935 Twickenham Lido opened on the remaining land which then subsequently closed in the 1980’s

The competition site includes the whole of the riverside area between Water and Wharf Lanes including the embankment, which is currently dominated by cars. It also incorporates Jubilee Gardens and derelict buildings.

The objectives for the design includes; providing an exemplar in high quality sustainable design that reflects the riverside setting, a scheme that strengthens the character of Richmond by enhancing the public realm, a project which provides a creative solution and riverfront experience prioritising people over cars, and the creation of an exciting destination for residents and visitors that champions the river and makes a significant contribution to the town.